Hi, I am Katie the founder of Feel Good Sport!

I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a bit more about what we do here at Feel Good Sport and why it is so important to us as a company to raise the profile of physical activity amongst children as a way of supporting their positive mental health and wellbeing.

As a PE teacher of 18 years in a secondary school, I have become increasingly aware of the need for mental health and well being provision for our children. I have seen first hand the impact that a global pandemic and cost of living crisis has had on our younger generations. They need our support and guidance to help them to navigate their way through school and life - to help them grow into happy, healthy and successful young adults.

Sport for me has never really been about ‘being the best.’ From the moment I began playing netball at primary school sport became my release. Sport allowed me to be more confident, it helped me to make new friends, it gave me a focus and an opportunity to ‘blow off steam’ rather than being stuck behind my desk in the classroom. Being active helped me to feel happy.

This feeling is something that I have continued to advocate my whole teaching career - the idea that not only can sport help you towards improving your physical health but it can also (and perhaps more importantly) can help you to improve your mental health too.

This is how Feel Good Sport came to be!

I have created a program of activities that teach children how to develop their positive mental health and wellbeing through the power of sport. Each session has a wellbeing focus whether that be teaching ‘positive connections with others’ through team sports or positive self talk and reflection’ through Yoga. The aim is that after engaging in these activities, children feel more confident, less stressed, less anxious and stronger both physically and mentally.

There is no doubt all of the wonderful things that sport can do for ALL of us - especially our young people.

Join us at Feel Good Sport and get in touch today.

The Feel Good Sport Mission…